I genuinely thought all the bodged E Types must have been restored properly by now knowing their value. But it would appear not! Plated over the original rusted floor and then plated over the plate when that rusted and then a whole sheet on the underside to hide it. Easier to just put a floor in and do the job properly.
Looking at the state of the wiring am I surprised the fan is blowing the wrong way. All done by an American car specialists and over heated since.
The V12 E engine bay that was thick with underseal is starting to look a bit smarter, not concours but how much can you justify to clean up an engine bay.
You can't beat working on them when they are this clean. In for an electrical issue and a thorough going over and service.
E type V12 came in for some remedial work but when mentioned we could and got the go ahead to remove all the disgusting underseal off the bulkhead and engine frames the reason for covering it all up was revealed. So one damaged frame removed and a quick tidy up and paint of the remaining underbonnet and she's going back together again.It certainly looks a whole lot better.
Just wow ! We meet some amazing characters in this business. We met one this morning for sure. I can't imagine being 91 yrs old and still jumping in and out of a car I had bought 60yrs ago and raced it including a roll ! during the 60's, 70's and 80's. Many years ago I did some work on a genuine works race Cobra but this was the first AC Ace I've been near. It is no show queen as he said as he uses it and it's all the better for it. It must be the most original Ace left I would think. Also mentioned that if he could have just 20 minutes back it would be to race it again around the Remparts in France as it was just fantastic.
AuthorPeter Thurston Archives
December 2024